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Cellular Memory Clearing Process TM  and all of the other processes channeled by Oneness in 2019 can be applied to each and every human's life so you can live your healthiest, most satisfying life. You can choose to learn at your own pace and take advantage of all our workshops, (click under self healing) or you can speed things up with a 1-4 month integration session with Missy. (click under Integration session)  The end goal is the same though:  you learn to be your own greatest ally, forging a deep connection with your body and nurturing a self-care practice that harnesses this connection for healing and well-being

Self Healing 

Our expertise is in guiding you to learn more about your own body and how to be your own best advocate for mental, physical & energetic wellness. 

You are a powerful multidimensional human. 

Come and learn all that we know! 

Image by Matthew Henry
Image by averie woodard

Integration Session

Feel like you need a little more one on one attention?  Your in luck! Missy uses a combination of healing and coaching skills in 1 or 4 month sessions 

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