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Image by Pavan Trikutam


We can call out to the energy, and get you the answers your looking for.

Digital Readings are channeled for you, then the answers emailed to you within about 72 hours. These are not in person appointments.

the  Ruby

Are you just getting started on your spiritual journey? Curious about your soul and its vibration? This is a great starting point ! 


the Gladys

Are you feeling stuck in your healing journey? The A.G. can access your cellular vibration and help kickstart a new path for you! 

the Mary Ellen

Have you been in the spiritual realm for a minute? Had a few readings, know some things but want to dig deeper? This offering is accurate information about your souls vibration


Create Your Own

Create 15 of your own questions for a custom reading session. 

We will not give answers for questions that are FUTURE TIMELINE RELATED, so please don't ask, we will just skip that question.

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