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Mini Integration Session

A mini (1 mo) version of the 4 mo coaching

  • 1 h
  • 444 US dollars
  • Location 1

Service Description

et Ready for deep & lasting changes in perspective and how your body feels once you learn Cellular Memory Clearing Process one on one with Missy! Your healing is catalyzed by intuitive anatomy work and with our totally unique energy assessment. Think of it like a diagnostic for your car, we check for areas of energetic density in the cells of your body, your subconscious, & your consciousness. We check for energetic "contracts" or "cords" and core wounds that help you understand your unique soul perspective this incarnation. We check to see if your cells match the vibration of known irritants, conditions, sensitivities, we check your family line for generational traumas , and so much more. You get frequent contact and support as you learn how to listen to and understand your body, connect with your higher selves, and empower yourself with compassion and understanding for the beautiful mess that you are!

Contact Details

  • USA

    + 319-310-2524

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